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Central Bank of Oman
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The GCC Committee of Central Bank Governors holds its meeting in Muscat
3/20/2023 8:00:00 PM
The GCC Committee of Central Bank Governors holds its meeting in Muscat
The GCC Committee of Central Bank Governors held its 80th meeting in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, on Tuesday 21st March, 2023
<div style="text-align:justify;"></div><p style="text-align:justify;"><span class="ms-rteThemeFontFace-1 ms-rteFontSize-3">The GCC Committee of Central Bank Governors held its 80<sup>th</sup> meeting in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, on Tuesday 21st March, 2023, hosted by the Central Bank of Oman. The meeting was chaired by His Highness Sayyid Taimur bin Asa'ad bin Tariq Al Said – Chairman of CBO's Board of Governors, with participation of Their Excellencies Governors of GCC central banks and the Assistant Secretary for Economic and Development Affairs of General Secretariat of the Gulf Cooperation Council.</span></p><p style="text-align:justify;"><span class="ms-rteThemeFontFace-1 ms-rteFontSize-3">During the meeting, a number of topics related to supervision and surveillance of the banking sector, payment systems and FinTech in the GCC were discussed. The committee also discussed issues related to latest developments within the framework of anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT), as well as cybersecurity in the banking sector.</span></p><p style="text-align:justify;"><span class="ms-rteThemeFontFace-1 ms-rteFontSize-3">Moreover, the committee was briefed on updates regarding the signature and ratification of the agreement on linking GCC payment systems. In addition to issues related to the joint dialogue between GCC central banks and the governors of European central banks, and the joint dialogue with the Chinese related authorities, as well as the latest monetary and financial developments in the GCC countries and other topics listed in the committee's agenda, on which appropriate decisions were taken.</span></p>
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